The Fifth Seal #32


Al-Shabaab Attacks a bus in Mandera, Kenya and gets angry when there are no Christians on board. 10 Christian families beaten in India. World Watch List #32 - Nepal

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The Fifth Seal #33


A Christian Community in India's Uttar Pradesh State are terrorized after accusations of forced and fraudulent conversions. A Chinese Preacher and his wife are in court today after being receiving a subpoena for "custody disputes" because they homeschool their children. Prayer points for World Watch List #33 - Jordan

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The Fifth Seal #34


Attacks on Christians is increasing in India as a second pastor and his family are attacked in Faradabad in just over 2 months. A young Christian housemaid is beaten by her employer in Pakistan because she refused to convert to Islam. Prayer Points for World Watch List #34 - Tunisia

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The Fifth Seal #36


The Lahore High Court in Pakistan overturns a lower court ruling and returns a 14 year old Christian girl to the custody of her abductor, 8 Christians brutally beaten by Hindu fundamentalists in Odisha State, India, casualty statistics from Nigeria, and prayer points for World Watch List #35 - Kazakhstan

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The Fifth Seal #36


A brother in Iran faces sentencing on two of three bogus charges brought against him for his faith in Christ, a Christian woman in the Khunti District of India's Jharkhand State became the latest in a string of at least 5 of our brothers and sisters murdered for their Christianity. Prayer points for World Watch List #36 - Turkey

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The Fifth Seal #37


12 Christians were arrested in the last week of June in 3 Iranian cities, An Christian family in India was attacked and beaten in their home by Hindu Fundamentalists. Prayer Points for World Watch List #37 -Brunei

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The Fifth Seal #38


A Former Muslim Sheikh is attacked in his village after one one of his two wives, The one who did not convert to Christianity, informed their neighbors of his conversion. A Christian man in India was dragged out of his home, beaten and murdered by radical Hindus. Prayer Points for World Watch List #38 - Bangladesh

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The Fifth Seal #39


The Chinese Communist Party insists that elderly Chinese citizens renounce their faith in Christ or lose their government financial assistance. A Christian man and his mother-in-law are shot as Muslims try to drive them out of a "Muslim Neighborhood" in Pakistan. Prayer Points for World Watch List #39 - Ehtiopia

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The Fifth Seal #40


An unsuccessful honor killing in Uganda where a Muslim father tried to burn his daughter who had converted to Christianity, A preacher in Wuhan was detained for hosting an online seminar on evangelism and Church planting. Prayer Points for World Watch List#40 - Malaysia

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The Fifth Seal #41


A seminary student kidnapped in Nigeria was killed because he would not stop preaching the Gospel and calling his captors to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Leah Sharibu is spending another birthday in captivity because of her refusal to renounce her faith in Christ. There will be a prayer vigil online today at 4pm EST for her. prayer points for World Watch List #41 - Columbia

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