The Fifth Seal #45


2 years ago

Christian Pastor Murdered in Central India and Prayer points for World Watch List #45- Tajikistan


  • Pray for church leaders like Pastor Bahrom, who was arrested and had his church confiscated. Many Christian leaders in Tajikistan follow Jesus under a significant amount of risk—the government could crack down on their ministry at any point.
  • Pray for President Emomali Rahmon, who has ruled Tajikistan for nearly 30 years. Ask that God would break through the hardness of his heart, and that President Rahmon would see the truth of the gospel.
  • Pray for Open Doors partners in Tajikistan and across Central Asia—that they would be able to reach and encourage believers who risk everything to worship Jesus. Pray for protection and that the ministry would bear fruit to carry the light of Christ through the region.

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