The Fifth Seal #25


1 year ago

Kachin Bible School Shelled by Burmese Army and prayer points for World Watch List #25 - Turkmenistan


  • In Turkmenistan, pastoring a church can lead to being targeted for monitoring or detainment. Pray for church leaders who are imprisoned or arrested because of their faith. Pray they would be able to stand strong and return to lead their communities through the pain of persecution.
  • Ask God to reach the hearts of Turkmenistan authorities. The president acts as a dictator and his rule stretches over every part of Turkmenistan society. Pray that Christians would be able to reach out freely and that their lives would show the truth of the gospel.
  • Pray for Open Doors partners in the entire Central Asian region. Pray for work among Muslim-majority areas, that Christians would be strengthened with the knowledge that they are part of a global Church, and not on their own.

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