The Fifth Seal #5


1 year ago

120 Civilians Abducted in Village Raids and prayer points for World Watch List #5 - Yemen


  • Pray for the Yemeni people and the Yemeni government. The civil war has lasted for nearly a decade, and the brutality and the humanitarian crisis it has caused have only grown worse due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Pray for peace, pray for stability and pray for an openness to letting all Yemenis, regardless of religion, live their lives in peace and hope.
  • Pray for the secret Christians in Yemen who live under constant threat because of their faith. Ask God to give them courage, wisdom and boldness, that they would know how to best live out the gospel. Ask Jesus to bring comfort and hope to Christians in this war-torn country.
  • Yemeni people can now find out more about Jesus via television, radio and the internet. Pray for all people in Yemen who are secretly searching for truth. Pray that they will find the right channels to learn about Jesus and pray that they will become followers of Him.

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