The Fifth Seal #3


1 year ago

Pastor Jailed in Sudan for Prayer Meeting to Heal Mother and prayer points for World Watch List #3 - Somalia


  • Continue to pray for peace in Somalia and success in establishing democracy even as the country deals with political upheaval, the constant threat of al-Shabab and the effects of decades of civil war.
  • Nearly 100% of Somalis are Muslim, and there is no room for Christians. Islam is the state religion—only Islam can be promoted and Shariah law is the highest authority. Pray that God would continue to build up His people in Somalia despite these realities.
  • Open Doors has been supporting Somali believers across the Horn of Africa since the 1990s. Our vision is to see followers of Christ grow to maturity in their faith and to have nurturing relationships amid persecution. Pray for God’s wisdom and protection over the work and that our efforts will bear much fruit.

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