The Fifth Seal #12


Christian persecution is worsening amid Western denial and prayer points for World Watch List #12 - Myanmar


  • Pray for those who have left Buddhism to follow Jesus—that God will strengthen, encourage and protect them.
  • Ask that all believers in Myanmar will receive and enjoy fruitful fellowship with other Christians.
  • Pray that the Lord will intervene and bring a peaceful resolution to the ongoing civil war.

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The Fifth Seal #13


Turkey Openly Discriminates Against the Greek Orthodox Church and prayer points for World Watch List #13 - Sudan


  • After the fall of former dictator Hassan Omar al-Bashir in April 2019, the transitional government under the leadership of Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok introduced exciting changes to the legal framework governing life in Sudan. But as the political situation in Sudan continues to be volatile, pray for these changes to be implemented and respected in lower government levels and society in general.
  • Christians, especially those who converted from Islam, still face many challenges. They are treated like second-class citizens and are sidelined by family and society. In some areas, they are vulnerable to targeted violence. Pray that amid these challenges, they will continue growing in their knowledge of Christ and be able to courageously speak to others about salvation found in Christ alone.
  • Open Doors’ vision for Sudan is to see a resilient church that stands strong in the face of persecution and is economically empowered to support themselves. Pray for protection over our partners and much fruit from their work. Open Doors’ vision for Sudan is to see a resilient church that stands strong in the face of persecution and is economically empowered to support themselves. Pray for protection over our partners and much fruit from their work.

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The Fifth Seal #14


500 anti-Christian hate crimes documented in Europe last year and prayer points for World Watch List #14 - Iraq


  • Ask God to provide peace and stability in Iraq so that displaced Christians can return to their homes. Pray He will also protect believers from the threat of extremists still living in Iraq.
  • Pray that the new Iraqi government will protect the rights of Christians and other religious minorities.
  • Pray the protection of all believers—pray that each one will be strengthened and encouraged in their faith.

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The Fifth Seal #15


Trial Date Set for Imprisoned Christian Teachers and prayer points for World Watch List #15 - Syria


  • Lift up the political and military situation in Syria. The civil war has continued for more than a decade, and even as the worst of the violence seems to be over, the country continues to be broken. Pray that God will bring peace to the country and soften the hearts of those in power to provide for the most vulnerable members of Syrian society.
  • Pray for Christians in Syria, particularly church leaders and converts from Islam. Pray God would protect them from violence, but that He would also raise their spirits even when daily life seems impossible. Ask God to inflame their hearts with love for Him, and to give them the knowledge the worldwide Church is with them.
  • Ask God to strengthen the churches that Open Doors works with in Syria. Ask Him to bless our leadership and discipleship training. Pray that God would increase the ministry of our Centers of Hope, that they would be beacons of God’s peace for Christians so devastated by war and Islamic extremism.

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The Fifth Seal #16


Kainama Terror Attack Leaves Twenty Dead, including an Anglican Evangelist and prayer points for World Watch List #16 - Maldives


  • Pray for believers in Maldives who must sustain their faith in isolation and secrecy. Ask God to fill their hearts with the sense of His presence and care.
  • Pray that President Solih and his government would soften their stance toward Christians and other religious minorities—as they realize that diversity enriches the country’s national culture.
  • Ask God to guide and protect expatriate migrant worker believers as they interact with tourists and Maldivian residents. Pray they will be salt and light that draws people to Jesus.

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The Fifth Seal #17


Pastor in Laos Was Tortured and Killed, Sources Say and Prayer Points for World Watch List #17 - China

PRAY FOR CHINA Pray that, despite intense surveillance, faith will flourish in China and more people will discover God’s love. Ask God to help local Open Doors partners be able to reach vulnerable Christians with vital Christian literature, training and fellowship. Ask Him to help believers persevere in their walk with Him. Pray for the authorities in China to recognize the importance of religious freedom, and allow the church to gather and worship without restrictions.

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The Fifth Seal #18


Laws in Algeria Restrict Mission Work and prayer points for World Watch List #18 - Qatar


  • Pray for the migrant Christians in Qatar. Pray they would be protected from the brutal and abusive treatment that so many foreign workers face in Qatar. Ask God to protect and preserve His people.
  • Any native Qataris who convert to Christianity must do so in deep secrecy or risk intense persecution from their family and society. Pray that these believers would know they are not alone, and ask God to remind them that He is there and in control.
  • Pray for the monarchy in Qatar. Ask that God would soften the hearts of the Emir and his government, and that they would open their hearts to the truth of Jesus’ love and grace.

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The Fifth Seal #19


Christians Kidnapped, Killed In Ethiopia As Clashes Escalate and prayer points for World Watch List #19 - Vietnam


  • Pray for new projects planned by Open Doors partners in Vietnam. Pray for wisdom and strength for our ministry partners, and for the hearts of all Christians who will benefit from these new efforts.
  • Pray for Christians in Vietnam who suffer persecution, especially those from ethnic minorities. Pray for those who lose their families and homes, that they would feel the reality that God has given them a global family of believers who prays for them.
  • Pray for the government of Vietnam, both local and national. Pray the national government would protect the rights of all of its citizens, and that local governments would not be used to worsen the persecution faced by Christians in tribal communities.

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the Fifth Seal #20


Tribal community force exhumation of body of Christian convert and prayer points for World Watch List #20 - Egypt


  • Pray stable and fulfilling work for Christian men, so they can provide for their families. Pray for Christian Egyptian families as they seek to follow Jesus in the midst of constant pressure.
  • Pray for the protection and flourishing of Christian women.
  • Ask God to change the hearts of influential local leaders, to recognize and value the contribution Christians make to society.

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The Fifth Seal #21


At Least 21 Christians Killed by Islamists in Northern Mozambique and prayer points for World Watch List #21 - Uzbekistan

  • Pray for Christians who are discriminated against in work or society because of their faith. Pray for Christians who lose their jobs, or who are required to keep their faith a secret. Pray especially for Christians who convert from Islam in Uzbekistan, that they would be protected and know the peace of God.
  • Pray for the government of Uzbekistan, that they would allow more religious freedoms. Ask God to bring the knowledge of Him to the leaders of the country.
  • Pray for Open Doors’ ministry in Central Asia, that Christians across the region would feel encouraged and strengthened from the help and aid they receive.

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