The Fifth Seal #22


Linfen House Church Faces Ongoing Persecution and prayer points for WOrld Watch List #22- Algeria


  • Pray that Algerian Christians who have converted from Islam will be protected from harassment, violence and rejection.
  • Pray for churches that have been closed to reopen, and for laws forbidding religious freedom to be repealed.
  • Ask God to help Open Doors partners in North Africa be equipped with God’s love and wisdom.

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The Fifth Seal #23


India: Off-duty police officer among Hindu mob attacking Christian prayer meeting and prayer points for World Watch List #23 - Mauritania


  • Pray for the secret believers of Mauritania as they seek to worship God. Their conversion is illegal, and their danger is real. Pray for the secret believers of Mauritania as they seek to worship God. Their conversion is illegal, and their danger is real.
  • Pray for a new openness toward religious expression among government officials. Ask God to open their hearts.Pray for a new openness toward religious expression among government officials. Ask God to open their hearts.
  • Pray that God would provide creative ways for believers to find and support each other in their difficult walk of faith.

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The Fifth Seal #24


Sikh in India Leads Pastor into Knife Attack and prayer points for World Watch List #24 - Mali


  • Pray for the stability and normalization of life in Mali, which are critical to suppressing extremist groups and returning peace to communities.
  • Lift up believers who have been internally displaced by violence in the northern part of Mali and have attempted to start their lives in new areas after losing everything. Ask God to comfort their hearts in their loss and support them through the ministry of believers in their midst.
  • Pray for our local partners who seek out and minister to Christians who need aid, trauma counseling, Bibles and persecution-preparedness training. Pray for wisdom and insight as they interact with others and assess the needs.

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The Fifth Seal #25


Kachin Bible School Shelled by Burmese Army and prayer points for World Watch List #25 - Turkmenistan


  • In Turkmenistan, pastoring a church can lead to being targeted for monitoring or detainment. Pray for church leaders who are imprisoned or arrested because of their faith. Pray they would be able to stand strong and return to lead their communities through the pain of persecution.
  • Ask God to reach the hearts of Turkmenistan authorities. The president acts as a dictator and his rule stretches over every part of Turkmenistan society. Pray that Christians would be able to reach out freely and that their lives would show the truth of the gospel.
  • Pray for Open Doors partners in the entire Central Asian region. Pray for work among Muslim-majority areas, that Christians would be strengthened with the knowledge that they are part of a global Church, and not on their own.

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The Fifth Seal #26


Nigeria: Slaughter of Christians continues and prayer points for World Watch List #26 - Laos


  • Pray that all imprisoned Christians will be strengthened in body, mind and spirit—and for their imminent release.
  • Pray that Christians will find increasing favor with local religious leaders and government officials.
  • Ask God to provide protection for Open Doors partners and wisdom as they serve our family in Laos.

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The Fifth Seal #27


Chinese Communist Party (CCP) systematically shutting down churches and Prayer points for Morocco

  • Pray with isolated believers in Morocco who must sustain their faith alone or risk house arrest, physical attacks, arrest and imprisonment. Ask the Lord to draw close to His people and fill their hearts with the knowledge of His presence and love.
  • Pray for tolerance of faiths other than Islam in Moroccan society, with freedom to gather and strengthen congregations that benefit the country as a whole.
  • Ask God to guide and protect our local partners in Morocco as they reach out to believers who are rejected by their Muslim families or community.

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The Fifth Seal #28



Christian Woman on Trial for Blasphemy in Northeast Nigeria and prayer points for Indonesia


  • Pray for God’s comfort and healing for all those affected by the recent attacks on Christians, in which eight believers were killed.
  • Pray that Christians will be given wisdom and boldness as they follow Jesus in a society that is taking on an increasingly conservative Islamic character.
  • Pray the influence of extremist Islamic groups will be snuffed out; ask the Lord to reveal Himself to those who oppose Him.

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The Fifth Seal #29


Evangelists attacked after leading Muslims to Christ and prayer points for World Watch List #29 - Bangladesh


  • Ask God for wisdom for Open Doors local partners as they support persecuted believers in Bangladesh, and for energy and creativity as they carry out their work.
  • Pray that Bangladeshi believers will find ways to meet to worship together and build one another up in fellowship.
  • Pray church attacks to cease and for churches to be places to safely worship God.

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The Fifth Seal #30


Christians Beaten by Police While Complaining of Another Attack and prayer points for World Watch List #30 - Columbia PRAY FOR COLOMBIA Pray that God would offer protection for pastors and communities who are targeted by organized criminal groups. Pray for wisdom and the presence of the Holy Spirit so that indigenous Colombian Christians can remain steadfast in the gospel. Pray that God will equip local Open Doors partners to stand alongside and serve the persecuted church in Colombia.

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The Fifth Seal #31

Central African Republic

Nigeria: Gunmen attack church, kill woman and her daughter and Prayer points for Central African Republic


  • Pray that God will bring lasting peace and stability to CAR.
  • Ask God for protection for Christians as they live out their witness to Christ, especially pastors and their families who often face the gravest danger.
  • Pray that God will encourage and protect Open Doors partners who are working to equip the church—while facing many of the same risks.

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