The Fifth Seal #32

Burkina Faso

Afghanistan: Taliban behead Christian man on video and APrayer Points for World Watch List #32 - Burkina Faso PRAY FOR BURKINA FASO

  • Pray for wisdom for the government and its international partners as it seeks to bring an end to Burkina Faso’s insecurity.
  • Pray that the Lord will be at work in the lives of traumatized believers to bring healing and comfort.
  • Ask God for protection over Open Doors partners as they travel to volatile regions, and for God’s blessing on plans and logistics.

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The Fifth Seal #33


Nigeria: Dozens more Christians murdered in continued attacks in Benue state and prayer points for World Watch List #33 - Niger


  • Pray for violence against believers to stop and the influence of militant Islamist groups to diminish rapidly. Ask God to make violence against believers to stop and for the influence of militant Islamist groups to diminish rapidly.
  • Pray For healing for believers affected by trauma.For healing for believers affected by trauma.
  • Pray Open Doors training programs will equip believers to withstand persecution and serve Jesus in the places where they live.

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The Fifth Seal #34


Nigeria: Christian woman murdered while cleaning her church and prayer points for World Watch List #34 - Bhutan

Pray for Bhutan

  • Pray that believers who have been rejected by their families would find new communities to offer family, love and hope.
  • Pray that God would use the practical support being provided by Open Doors partners to strengthen Christians facing persecution.
  • Ask God for religious freedom in Bhutan, and for the government to officially recognize Christian churches.

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The Fifth Seal #35


Evangelist Burnt To Death In India and Prayer Points for World Watch List #35 - Tunisia


  • Please pray for Christians in Tunisia who have converted from Islam. Pray for women who worry they will be forced to marry a Muslim man because they have decided to follow Jesus. Ask God to preserve and protect them, and ask Him to encourage them, even when they must follow Him in secret.
  • Pray for the Tunisian government and society as political turmoil continues. Pray God will prick the heart of those in authority, that they will seek the good of all people, including religious minorities, and pray the people will be protected from instability.
  • Pray for Open Doors partners in Tunisia, that they’d be encouraged and strengthened to continue doing God’s work in a difficult place.

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The Fifth Seal #36


Christian Father and Son Stabbed in Egypt in String of Incidents and Prayer points for World Watch List #36 - Oman PRAY FOR OMAN

  • So many Christians in Oman come from other countries and live and work as migrant workers. Pray for these believers, that they would be able to find a community of faith and would know they aren’t alone, even if they are converts from Islam or another faith.
  • Ask God to change the hearts of the Sultan and the other leaders of Oman. We know God can do anything, including reaching the powerful leader of Oman with the hope of the gospel.
  • When an Omani Muslim finds Jesus, it could cost him or her everything. Ask God to bless these converts, preserve their safety and to bring other believers into their paths that will help them grow in faith.

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The Fifth Seal #37


Nigeria: Gunmen invade pastor’s home, kill sons, abduct 13 year old daughter and prayer points for World Watch List #37 - Cuba


  • Pray that God will bring about change in the political landscape, so that religious freedom will be honored in Cuba.
  • Ask God for resilience and wisdom for church leaders, so that churches can keep worshiping God together despite all the restrictions placed on them.
  • Pray God would open doors for local Open Doors partners to serve the persecuted church in Cuba.

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The Fifth Seal #38


Sudan: Four Christians face death penalty for refusal to renounce faith and Prayer Points for World Watch List #39 Ethiopia

  • Pray for wisdom and provision for the government as they lead a country greatly affected by war, drought, plagues and political instability.
  • Pray that Christians facing intense pressure to renounce their faith will have the strength to hold onto Jesus and trust Him for their futures.
  • Ask God to bless the ministry among women and youth—ask God to raise up more women and young people to strengthen the church.

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The Fifth Seal #39



Police in India Assault, Charge Pastor for Family Devotional and prayer points for World Watch List #39 - Jordan


  • Pray that Christians from Muslim backgrounds will be equipped, encouraged and empowered to stand strong and flourish in their faith.
  • Ask God opportunities to increasingly open up for Christians to tell others about Jesus.
  • Pray the Lord will continue to raise up new leaders to serve the Jordanian church.

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The Fifth Seal #40

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Muslim Forcibly Marries, Converts Christian Girl, Family Says and Prayer Points for World Watch List #40 - Democratic Republic of the Congo


  • Pray the government will seek real and lasting solutions to the deepening security crisis in DRC.
  • Pray that pastors in the east of the country will receive courage to remain, wisdom in preparing the church for persecution, and compassion when ministering to the traumatized and displaced.
  • Ask that God will strengthen the church through the training and trauma care programs run by Open Doors partners.

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The Fifth Seal #41


Muslim youth attack churches after arrest of perpetrators in murder of Christian student Deborah Emmanuel and prayer points for World Watch List # 41 - Mozambique

PRAY FOR MOZAMBIQUE Pray with churches and their leaders who have taken in thousands of families displaced by the violence. Pray that they will respond with compassion and understanding, especially towards the traumatized and vulnerable. Pray for wisdom in how best to reach these families and support them in their time of need. Pray for economic development in the region. Unemployment and lack of basic services have left youth disillusioned and angry. As a result, many have joined Islamic extremist groups. Pray that the government and international partners will ensure that all benefit from these community projects. Pray for wisdom and provision for Open Doors as we determine the appropriate interventions. Pray for protection over staff as they travel to volatile regions. Pray for His blessing on all logistics.

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