The Fifth Seal #42


Two children among eight Christians murdered by Islamic militants in Nigeria, Prayer Points for World Watch List #42 - Turkey


  • Pray for Christians in Turkey as they live, work and worship in a place that doesn’t seem to want them. Pray for deliverance from discrimination and an increasing awareness of God’s love and grace. Ask God to protect converts from Islam and to bring them to a place where can worship Him freely.
  • Ask God to strengthen Open Doors’ ministry to refugee communities in Turkey, particularly our support of Iranian believers. Pray that God will lift up the Centers of Hope now operating in Turkey and will use those communities to bring more people to Him.
  • Pray for the leadership of Turkey, that it would realize Turkish Christians are part of the fabric of their country. Pray believers would be able to work without discrimination.

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The Fifth Seal #43


Muslims Kill Two In Pakistan Pastor’s Home and prayer points for World Watch List #43 - Mexico


  • Pray for believers who face difficult choices when confronted with organized violence in their communities. Ask God to give them wisdom and courage to confront it in a Christ-honoring way.
  • Lift up those who come to faith in Christ in indigenous communities and find themselves ostracized as a result. Pray for their positive influence to turn the tide of this persecution.
  • Pray for open minds in Mexico when Christian voices speak out about social issues. Pray that people would listen and move toward God.

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The Fifth Seal #44


Muslim Sheikh Poisoned after Converting to Christianity, and prayer points for World Watch List #44 - Cameroon


  • Pray Cameroon’s government will take concrete measures to protect vulnerable communities.
  • Pray church leaders in the far north will receive God’s wisdom and strength as they minister to the persecuted, displaced and traumatized.
  • Ask God discernment for local Open Doors partners as they determine and implement ways to serve the persecuted church.

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The Fifth Seal #45


Christian Pastor Murdered in Central India and Prayer points for World Watch List #45- Tajikistan


  • Pray for church leaders like Pastor Bahrom, who was arrested and had his church confiscated. Many Christian leaders in Tajikistan follow Jesus under a significant amount of risk—the government could crack down on their ministry at any point.
  • Pray for President Emomali Rahmon, who has ruled Tajikistan for nearly 30 years. Ask that God would break through the hardness of his heart, and that President Rahmon would see the truth of the gospel.
  • Pray for Open Doors partners in Tajikistan and across Central Asia—that they would be able to reach and encourage believers who risk everything to worship Jesus. Pray for protection and that the ministry would bear fruit to carry the light of Christ through the region.

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The Fifth Seal #46


Christian Convert Assassinated in Iraq Following TikTok Video and Prayer Points for World Watch List #46 - Brunei


  • Pray for pastors to be strengthened and continually equipped to serve and lead their congregations.
  • Pray that young Christians would resist the temptation to convert to Islam so they can marry—ask God to encourage younger believers to remain in the country for the long-term health of the church.
  • Thank God that He is more powerful than Shariah law and is not weakened by strict regulations.

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The Fifth Seal #47


Pakistan: Christian man killed by Muslim extremists, “the situation continues to get worse”. Prayer Points for World Watch List #47 - Kazakhstan


  • Pray the Lord to provide for those who’ve been fined for Christian activities, including selling Christian material.
  • Pray that the faith of our brothers and sisters facing persecution will not be shaken, but will remain strong.
  • Pray the Kazakh authorities will recognize the good intentions of Christians, and give them more freedom to express their faith.

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The Fifth Seal #48


India: Hindu radicals attack two pastors in Haryana state and Prayer Points for World Watch List #48 - Nepal PRAY FOR NEPAL

  • Pray that Christians in Nepal will have wisdom to know how to share their faith safely, and boldness to continue sharing the gospel. Pray God will soften the hearts of those enforcing the restrictions on evangelism, and that He might draw them to Himself through the courageous witness of our brothers and sisters.
  • Pray for Christian women in Nepal who face persecution from their family members. Many are beaten, threatened, not allowed to go to church, rejected and left alone. Please pray that, with God’s strength, these women will continue to stand strong in their faith, and through them God would bring their entire families to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for believers who live in very remote villages. It is difficult for our local partners to contact them, and when they go through persecution, it can be difficult for our partners to reach them quickly. Pray for the Christians in these villages, that God would strengthen them and provide for their needs.

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The Fifth Seal #49


Episode Notes

Notes go here

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The Fifth Seal #50


Former Mosque Leader in Uganda Beaten for Faith in Christ. Prayer Points for World Watch List #50 - Malaysia

  • Pray with the people of Malaysia who would rather follow Jesus than stay within their country’s religious laws. Ask God to bring them the spiritual nurturing they need in their isolation.
  • The pendulum of politics in Malaysia has swung away from religious freedom and safety for Christian converts. Pray for religious freedom and a more even-handed application of laws and principles.
  • Ask the Lord to gift more partners with creative ideas, such as USB sticks and audio Bibles, for getting God’s Word and other faith-building materials into the hands of believers and seekers in Malaysia.

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The Fifth Seal #51

2022 World Watch List

Welcome to THE FIFTH SEAL 2022! This is just a video with some background on what this podcast is, and why I do this podcast at all. with an invitation to join us as we bring awareness to the persecution happening all around the world and pray for our brothers and sisters who are persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ

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