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The Fifth Seal #1

The Fifth Seal #2

North Korea

Pastors Wounded in Separate Attacks in Uganda and prayer points for World Watch List #2 - North Korea


  • Christians in North Korea are in danger. Pray for Christians who worship secretly, Christians who are in prison, and the families of Christians who have been arrested or killed. Ask God to be with these believers and to strengthen them to find hope and see His hand at work in their lives.
  • Pray for the heart of Kim Jong Un and the other leaders of the North Korean regime. The Kim family has led for so long and brutally opposed God’s people. Pray for a change of heart, that Kim might see the beauty of the gospel and the love Jesus has for him.
  • Open Doors’ networks in China are vital to keep the North Korean church up and running—many of the Christians who make it to our safe houses in China return home, equipped to carry the gospel to small pockets of believers. Pray for the success and safety of these safe houses, and for the travels of North Korean Christians who make the dangerous trek to and from China.

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The Fifth Seal #3


Pastor Jailed in Sudan for Prayer Meeting to Heal Mother and prayer points for World Watch List #3 - Somalia


  • Continue to pray for peace in Somalia and success in establishing democracy even as the country deals with political upheaval, the constant threat of al-Shabab and the effects of decades of civil war.
  • Nearly 100% of Somalis are Muslim, and there is no room for Christians. Islam is the state religion—only Islam can be promoted and Shariah law is the highest authority. Pray that God would continue to build up His people in Somalia despite these realities.
  • Open Doors has been supporting Somali believers across the Horn of Africa since the 1990s. Our vision is to see followers of Christ grow to maturity in their faith and to have nurturing relationships amid persecution. Pray for God’s wisdom and protection over the work and that our efforts will bear much fruit.

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The Fifth Seal #4


Parish priest kidnapped by Islamist gunmen in Enugu state of Nigeria and prayer points for World Watch List #4 - Libya


  • Pray for believers who must keep their faith in Jesus secret or face possible arrest and even slavery. Ask God to give them warm times of fellowship with Him.
  • Ask God to bring stability to Libya through a government that strives to enforce laws and make the nation a better place. God holds the hearts of kings in His hand.
  • Lift up local Open Doors partners as they carefully seek out believers in a society where the wrong question to the wrong person can bring calamity. Pray for wisdom, grace and protection for them as they aid believers there.

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The Fifth Seal #5


120 Civilians Abducted in Village Raids and prayer points for World Watch List #5 - Yemen


  • Pray for the Yemeni people and the Yemeni government. The civil war has lasted for nearly a decade, and the brutality and the humanitarian crisis it has caused have only grown worse due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Pray for peace, pray for stability and pray for an openness to letting all Yemenis, regardless of religion, live their lives in peace and hope.
  • Pray for the secret Christians in Yemen who live under constant threat because of their faith. Ask God to give them courage, wisdom and boldness, that they would know how to best live out the gospel. Ask Jesus to bring comfort and hope to Christians in this war-torn country.
  • Yemeni people can now find out more about Jesus via television, radio and the internet. Pray for all people in Yemen who are secretly searching for truth. Pray that they will find the right channels to learn about Jesus and pray that they will become followers of Him.

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The Fifth Seal #6


98 Eritrean Christians remain in prison for their faith and prayer points for World Watch List #6 - Eritrea


  • Pray that imprisoned Christians and their families will be sustained by God’s grace and presence.
  • Ask God for wisdom, discernment and boldness for believers as they seek to meet together despite the threat of surveillance.
  • Pray that Christians from Islamic and Orthodox backgrounds will be encouraged and empowered to stand firm in their faith, and would worship in unity with together.

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The Fifth Seal #7


Algeria is Still Forcing Churches to Close and prayer points for World Watch List #7 - Nigeria


  • 2021 was dominated by reports of increased lawlessness. Please pray that President Buhari and state governors will diligently and transparently work to find lasting solutions to the deepening security crisis in northern Nigeria.
  • The level of trauma among Christians is reaching crisis levels as men are killed, women are raped and abducted, and youths are left in despondency over the future. Pray for healing and hope. Pray that the Lord will continue to strengthen their faith and that Christians will continually be able to provide a reason to anyone that asks for the hope that is in them.
  • Pray that Open Doors’ work in the country will bear fruit. Pray for continued protection and wisdom for our partners who must travel and risk attack and/or abduction. Pray that our work will strengthen the church in Nigeria and restore hope.

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The Fifth Seal #8


Nine Christians Hospitalized After Attack in India and prayer points for World Watch List #8 - Pakistan


  • Pray for believers who are working dangerous and unsanitary jobs, that God will keep them healthy and safe, despite their working conditions. Pray for any believers who are accused of blasphemy, that they would be kept safe and delivered from false accusations. Pray for the entire Christian community of Pakistan, that they would be encouraged and kept from exhaustion and despair.
  • Pray for the government and religious leaders of Pakistan. Ask God to soften the hearts of people in charge, that they would extend an open hand to Pakistani Christians and allow different religions to peacefully worship and live out their faith in Pakistan.
  • Pray for the women and girls who are kidnapped, forced to convert to Islam and marry Muslim men. Pray for healing from the deep trauma they endure and ask God to deliver His people from the deep wounds of the enemy.

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The Fifth Seal #9


Christian Beaten Unconscious for Refusing to Deny His Faith and prayer points for World Watch List #9 - Iran


  • Pray that President Raisi will honor the rights and contributions of Iran’s religious minorities.
  • Pray that God will open the eyes of the authorities to see that Christians aren’t a threat to Iran but a valuable part of Iranian society. Ask Him to change the hearts of those in charge, that they may even see the hope of Jesus.
  • Pray house churches will continue to powerfully equip believers for serving Jesus, and that God will keep them safe from raids and from harm.

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The Fifth Seal #10


Myanmar Military Lays Mines Around Church in Shan State and prayer points for World Watch List #10 - India


  • Give thanks to God that many people are coming to know Jesus after being healed of sickness; pray that this will continue.
  • Pray that social media companies will do more to combat the spread of disinformation and hatred on their platforms.
  • Ask God continued protection, strength and encouragement for Open Doors partners as they serve the church in India.

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The Fifth Seal #11

Saudi Arabia

Christian Student Running from Death Threats in Nigeria and prayer points for World Watch List #11 - Saudi Arabia


  • Many Christians in Saudi Arabia are migrant workers who are already abused for their minority status. Pray for foreign Christians, that they will be protected from mistreatment and will be able to find a Christian community where they can grow in faith and be trained to advance the gospel.
  • Pray for the secret Saudi believers who must hide their faith from friends and family. Ask God to help them know they aren’t alone.
  • Saudi Arabia is home to the Muslim holy sites of Mecca and Medina. The Saudi expression of Islam is often radical and intensely opposed to any deviation. Ask God to soften the hearts of religious leaders and the monarchy, that they would be open to allowing other religions to worship freely in Saudi Arabia.

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